Arquivo do mês: julho 2008

Innovation – DRUID

From: [

] On Behalf Of Jeanette Hvarregaard
Sent: quarta-feira, 2 de Julho de 2008 10:16
Subject: [Druid-announce] I&I Special Issue – Call for Paper*”Experience the Creativity”*

A special issue of /*Industry and Innovation*/ focused on the creative and cultural industries.

Guest Editors:

Richard Florida
Kevin Stolarick
Charlotta Mellander


Submission deadline: February 1, 2009
Final manuscripts: August 31, 2009
Publication: Industry and Innovation vol. 16, no. 6 (December, 2009)

Researchers and practitioners are grappling with a number of exciting challenges and prospects in understanding both the firms that comprise the creative, artistic and cultural industries and the individuals who work in related occupations. With this in mind, the editors for this special issue invite colleagues to submit papers focused around the creative and cultural industries. While this topic can be broadly considered, the following themes/questions may provide useful guidance.

    * What are the organizational forms for the creative industries? Do
      these differ from other, more traditional industries? What are the institutional constraints and how do they influence these organizational forms?
    * How does innovation arise in the creative industries? What are the influences of industry structures, institutional constraints, and organizational forms on the generation of innovation in the creative industries?
    * What are the similarities and differences among the creative and
      cultural industries?
    * How has the distribution of creativity changed within the urban
    * How can/should performance be measured in these industries? And,
      what explains performance differences among and within these
    * What is responsible for the increasing incidence of particular
      organizational forms in these industries; such as clusters;
      networks; inter‐firm projects; and online communities?
    * How is the economic performance of institutions affected by issues such as property right regimes; open source development,industrial /science /regional policies; and social capital/social conventions/trust?
    * How can we move to a “creative society” which fully harnesses the
      creative potential of everyone?
    * Explanations and examinations of the relationships between the
      “new” cultural and creative industries and the “old” traditional
    * What are the relationships between globalization and the shift to
      a creativity‐based economy?
    * Examples or specific case studies that demonstrate or examine the
      organization, connections, relationships, and inter‐relatedness of individuals and/or firms within a creative or cultural cluster.

As creativity becomes increasingly discussed in the economic debates, we must further push ourselves to define the themes, terms and methodologies that are part and parcel of our understanding and conceptualization of industrial organization, innovation processes, and influence on innovation. This special issue hopes to begin to unpack these issues and instigate further research and debate on this timely topic.

Anyone who is considering a submission for this special issue is also invited to submit an application to the Martin Prosperity Institute’s 2009 “Experience the Creativity” Conference to be held June 23 to June 25, 2009 in Toronto. The conference will provide an opportunity for accepted author(s) to present their research and get feedback on results prior to final submission of their paper for this special issue.
Inclusion in the special issue is /*not */conditional on participation to the conference.

The special editors of this issue of /*Industry and Innovation*/ are Richard Florida, Charlotta Mellander, and Kevin Stolarick. Any questions or comments should be directed to:

Kevin Stolarick
Research Director
Martin Prosperity Institute
Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto
416.673.8580 (voice)
416.673.8599 (fax) (email)

Manuscripts will be reviewed under the normal /*I&I*/ review process.
Submissions should be made via the electronic system available at

Indicate that the submission is for the “creativity” special issue. The deadline for submission of manuscripts for consideration as a part of this issue is February 1, 2009. Final reviewed and approved manuscripts will be due August 31,
2009 and will be published in /*Industry and Innovation */December 2009 issue (vol. 16, no. 6).
Jeanette Hvarregaard Tel + 45 99 40 82 65
Secretary Fax + 45 98 15 60 13
Department for Business Studies E-mail:
Aalborg University
Fibigerstraede 4
DK-9220 Aalborg Ø



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